Blog Category

Brady Cone
White Knuckling it

White Knuckling it

As a man who loves Jesus, is in a heterosexual marriage and still experiences some same-sex attraction that is lingering from my previous gay life, I spend a lot of time talking to Christian men about what life as a same-sex attracted (SSA) Christian man should look...

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The Gay Agenda and The Wrong Side of Hate

Protestors. Death threats. Misleading newspaper articles. In the days leading up to a talk I was doing on campus at North Carolina State University last year, the environment consistently became increasingly hostile. I was simply speaking about my story of struggling...

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National Coming Out Day: A False Dichotomy

National Coming Out Day: A False Dichotomy

If you are like me, you see it all over your newsfeed: today is National Coming Out day. It is a day when people are encouraged to “come out” as gay. I’ve read through posts by both secular LGBTQ friend, gay Christians, and celibate gay Christian friends. All of them...

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The Nashville Statement, Identity, and Gay Christians

The Nashville Statement, Identity, and Gay Christians

Today I signed the Nashville Statement, a faith statement released by the Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, which clarifies the biblical standard for marriage and gender.  It seeks to contradict where our culture stands versus the biblical truth which has...

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New Year, New Name, Exciting Times

New Year, New Name, Exciting Times

When I started Freedom Mission International over 5 years ago, there were so many areas of ministry that God had put on my heart. Helping people struggle with sexuality issues, college ministry, and raising awareness of human trafficking. Sometimes I am still in...

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